The vacuum of space can be a lonely place, especially when you were constructed specifically to destroy all the other celestial bodies you ever get to hang out with. So maybe it’s about time you gave the ol’ Death Star some much needed cuddles with this fantastic crocheted Death Star Pillow Pattern by Pop’s De Milk’s Cuteness Emporium.
Crocheted Death Star Pillow Pattern
11 years ago
What every Nanna will be knitting for Christmas this year.
Now that’s a cushion. Emily Julia Perri
Very cool!
How’s your knitting skills?
Jane Plumb… Think you could do a few of these for the boys? Xx :):)
Lesley Gardiner Dancey Laura James
Oh my days! I love it! ????
Must try this! Xx
Karen Egler Haver , Ha ha ha ha ha : }’s
Alison, found a new project for you. ????
Karen Pillman
Yep I need to make this!