Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego

Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego Art + Graphics
Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego Art + Graphics
Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego Art + Graphics
Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego Art + Graphics

Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego Art + Graphics
Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego Art + Graphics
Animated Street Art by A. L. Crego Art + Graphics

Those creative GIF are made by Spanish artist A. L. Crego by animating urban graffiti and murals he finds in the streets. The artist has been taking pictures of street art and murals and making animations for several years, but it was only recently that he thought of putting the two together.

The result surprised me a lot, we’re used to watching motionless photos, and when we see some movement in them, it’s unexpected.

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