Incredible 30-day Journey Of A Cargo Ship In A Timelapse Shows What Most Of Us Will Never See In Our Lifetimes

Ever dreamed about a life at sea? Many of us have dreamed of leaving it all behind, heading off to live the romantic life of exploration and adventure that only sailing the vast, open oceans can bring.

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Alas, for most people the life of a sailor remains just that, a dream. Luckily for us dreamers we have people like Jeffrey Tsang, a Canadian maritime vlogger, sailor and photographer on a container ship that travels across the globe.

He describes his latest video as “30 Days of Timelapse, about 80,000 photos combined. Sailing in the open ocean is a unique feeling and experience, and I hope to capture it for everyone to see.”

The Timelapse takes us on a journey from the Red Sea, across the Indian Ocean to Hong Kong, via the ports of Colombo and Singapore. The views are simply stunning. “Chasing the endless horizon, witnessing the ever changing weather, and appreciating the bright stars and galaxies.” Is how Jeffrey describes his life on the high seas. There are glimpses of the Milky Way and Jupiter in the endlessly vast night skies, stunning sunrises and ferocious lightning storms, as well as shots of the mega tetris game played out at port, as the huge ship is unloaded and reloaded for the next leg of the journey. The incredible scenes are all captured by Jeffrey’s Nikon D750 camera and use a massive 1.5 terabytes of data, we think you will agree that the result is very much more than worth it.

Watch the mesmerizing video on full screen for an immersive experience, and live out your dreams as the sailor you never were.

H/t: Colossal  | PetaPixel

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